Types of Landscaping That Can Increase Your Home Value
Susanna Newhart
·There is no better time to think about residential landscaping if you want to sell your home or make your home the go-to vacation spot for this summer.
Homeowners looking to sell are almost guaranteed to profit from residential landscaping in Calgary, a current hot spot city for real estate. Improving your curb appeal with newly finished and modern landscape can add anywhere from 5 to 28 percent to the overall value of your home depending on the type of landscaping and the home’s value prior to landscaping. In dollars, that’s tens of thousands added to the property value of a home.
It’s suggested that homeowners spend no more than 20 to 30 percent of their home’s value on landscaping. This is to stay safely within the range of significant return on investment over the lifespan of owning a home.
There are several reasons why you may want to renovate your home or look into modern landscaping projects this year. Maybe you want your home to feel like a resort—a place you desire to live in—especially after experiencing something like a pandemic lockdown. Perhaps you’d like to make some specific changes to accommodate your growing family, or, the most popular reason, you’re hoping to sell your home.
Regardless of which category of reasoning you fall into, there are several residential landscaping options out there that you can jump on. Let’s dig into the best types of landscaping that can improve your home value.

Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs
Where there’s a pool, there’s that feeling that you’re at an exotic resort on an island far away—but who said you can’t experience this joy in the comfort of your own home?
In places like Florida, pools are a common feature in a family home due to the climate and lifestyles of those living there. In a place like Calgary or Edmonton, having a pool is owning a luxury and rare type of estate. If you’re an entertainer, your house could become the weekend cottage escape in the summer months.
Though they are a hefty investment, pools are a great way to increase the value of your home, all while adding excitement to your home life for you and your loved ones.
If summer isn’t long enough in Calgary for you, you might consider owning a hot hub—fit for use all year round. They offer the same getaway and self-care experience a pool would, and they’re small enough to leave room to carry out any other landscaping projects you may want to complete to increase your home value.
Perennial Gardens and Water Features
Admit it. At least once in your lifetime, while on a neighbourhood walk, you’ve slowed down to take a peek at your neighbours’ outstanding garden. You were most likely stunned by their ability to upkeep such a thing—and on top of that—that this same garden has looked the exact same, manicured and all, for years.
That’s the power of a perennial garden.
You can’t go wrong with adding a perennial garden to your home, because of its show-stopping ability. This is beneficial for a home seller or just a plain homeowner who just wants to feel proud about their property. It also draws in potential buyers who may have a greenthumb themselves.
Perennial gardens are great for the front or back of your home. It’s best to commit to a small or medium size so that you don’t sign yourself up for too much maintenance. If you’re looking to sell your home, the last thing homebuyers want is a gigantic garden to worry over year after year. In addition to your seasonal flowers, consider planting shrubs, evergreens and ground cover plants, as these are low maintenance, yet guarantee to fill your garden beautifully.
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting is a great way to polish your home—whether you’re adding pot lights to the bricks of your home to showcase its beauty, adding pot lights to accompany your front yard landscaping, or adding stationary lighting to your backyard for entertainment purposes in the evening.
Make sure that the type of lighting that you choose to enhance your home fits well with what is already there, stylistically. For example, creating a pot light path alongside the shape of your well-manicured garden is a great way to guide residents or guests in the night as they head to your front door. In the future, this could also be a small, yet powerful feature that entices potential homebuyers.

Patios and Decks
Patios and decks are central locations for connection and entertainment in the home. In summer and fall months, they are the perfect alternative to the dinner table or living room, where you share meals with friends and family.
The best thing about landscaping a custom patio or deck for your home is that you have creative control in it’s design. With a good space in your backyard, you can do just about anything. The options are endless as long as you have the right landscaper.
The only restrictions you will have in adding a patio or deck to your home is choosing between wood and stone (hardscaping). Wood is visually appealing, but stone is long lasting. It’s important to keep maintenance in mind when choosing the option that works best for you.
Patios and decks can increase a home’s value up to 10 percent.
Artificial Grass
Implementing artificial grass on your estate is a massive time saver. Say goodbye to lawn maintenance and hello to manicured, clean and low maintenance lawn care. This landscaping option is so realistic, people would have to look very close to tell that it’s artificial. There’s no better way to keep your back or front yard in tip-top shape without expending excessive effort.

Plant Trees in Your Yard
Who wouldn’t like a fresh tree on their property? Trees offer plenty of health benefits, are a great sight to behold, and help add appreciation to any home.
Older neighbourhoods are more likely to have mature trees that are hundreds of years old, towering over homes and providing shade in the summer months. They can even act as a windbreaker in stormy weather.
Are You Ready to Fulfil Your Dream of Modern Landscaping?
For 15 years, Newhart Landscaping has been a trusted Edmonton landscaping company dedicated to transforming and extending homes with heart.
We provide everything you need to improve the value of your home—from custom front or backyard landscaping, design and architecture, irrigation & drainage, to hardscaping, & exterior lighting.
Are you ready to transform the look and feel of your home? Contact us today to speak to our team of expert landscape designers.